SSL Check With a Script
As a backend developer I made a lot of web application, site and other stuffs which have one or more domains. Because I don’t have money I use Let’s Encrypt for make the SSL certificate for the HTTPS and, because it is free, it is only 3 month worty certificate so you need to renovate it.
Every sistem I have use CertBot, the bot for Let’s Encrypt, who renew the certificate when needed with a cronjob. Sometime you will recive a mail from Let’s Encrypt about some ending certificate and I don’t want to check manualy every time because some of our certificate are for multiple domain in one certificate.
Script out the problem
For this script we need
- Python 3.6 or more
- PyOpenssl
I don’t want to use module outside the python core but, in this case, I need a module for the newest type of certificate so… I write it with a config file with all my site.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import datetime
import logging
import os
import socket
import ssl
import OpenSSL
logger = logging.getLogger("SSLVerify")
Start with the import for working with date, log, make a request for a ssl certificate and open a file. Also set the logger for the script.
def ssl_expiry_datetime(hostname: str) -> datetime.datetime:
cert = ssl.get_server_certificate((hostname, 443))
x509 = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)
return datetime.datetime.strptime(x509.get_notAfter().decode('ascii'), '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')
This function get a url, get the certificate of the domain and return a datetime python object listing the last minute the certificate validity. After this the site is not https
def ssl_valid_time_remaining(hostname: str) -> datetime.timedelta:
expires = ssl_expiry_datetime(hostname)
logger.debug("SSL cert for {} expires at {}".format(hostname, expires.isoformat()))
return expires - datetime.datetime.utcnow()
Return a python object with the remaining days of the certificate. It can be negative if is exspired.
def test_host(hostname: str, buffer_days: int = 30) -> str:
will_expire_in = ssl_valid_time_remaining(hostname)
except ValueError as e:
return "❌ " + hostname + " cert error " + str(e)
except socket.timeout as e:
return "❌ " + hostname + " could not connect"
if will_expire_in < datetime.timedelta(days=0):
return "❌ " + hostname + " cert will expired"
elif will_expire_in < datetime.timedelta(days=buffer_days):
return "⏳ " + hostname + " cert will expire in " + will_expire_in
return "✔️ " + hostname + " cert is fine"
This function build the string for the user to see about the domain. Use the emoji for fast reading for error1
def popupmsg(msg):
Print into the console the output. I search a good way for making a popup or a toast for gui purpuise but I can’t make it multiOS so I use the standard output
if __name__ == "__main__":
f = open(os.path.expanduser("~/.sslverify"), "r")
end_message = ""
for host in f.readlines():
host = host.strip()
message = test_host(host)
end_message += "\n" + message
The starter of the all script. The input of the script is a dotfiles , a .txt with one site for row, In this way I backup it with my dotbot and take with me into every machine I work in.
Changing the output system you can easly make a cronjob out of this script or a lambda function for your need.
I am thinking about making this script into a module or bash app in the near future.
All the code
We end with all the code into a single block
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import datetime
import logging
import os
import socket
import ssl
import OpenSSL
logger = logging.getLogger("SSLVerify")
def ssl_expiry_datetime(hostname: str) -> datetime.datetime:
cert = ssl.get_server_certificate((hostname, 443))
x509 = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)
return datetime.datetime.strptime(x509.get_notAfter().decode('ascii'), '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')
def ssl_valid_time_remaining(hostname: str) -> datetime.timedelta:
expires = ssl_expiry_datetime(hostname)
logger.debug("SSL cert for {} expires at {}".format(hostname, expires.isoformat()))
return expires - datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def test_host(hostname: str, buffer_days: int = 30) -> str:
will_expire_in = ssl_valid_time_remaining(hostname)
except ValueError as e:
return "❌ " + hostname + " cert error " + str(e)
except socket.timeout as e:
return "❌ " + hostname + " could not connect"
if will_expire_in < datetime.timedelta(days=0):
return "❌ " + hostname + " cert will expired"
elif will_expire_in < datetime.timedelta(days=buffer_days):
return "⏳ " + hostname + " cert will expire in " + will_expire_in
return "✔️ " + hostname + " cert is fine"
def popupmsg(msg):
if __name__ == "__main__":
f = open(os.path.expanduser("~/.sslverify"), "r")
end_message = ""
for host in f.readlines():
host = host.strip()
message = test_host(host)
end_message += "\n" + message
The “error” in this case are the only one colored emoji of the bunch. ↩︎
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