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Walking with friends we find this view
A church in the Murano island
On of the 'campanili' of Murano, a Venice's Island
Walking in the night sometime you find a dark street
In Venice there is a vegetable shop on a boat. One of the 'briccolr' which keep the boat in place has this sign.
Sometime in Venice you need to pass under an house. This is one of them
Street of Venice by Night (and by Light) with only light and no one to be seen
Green tea pot for my black tea
Sometime a Ramen Shop try the Japanese aesthetic but this look like a real Japan's Ramen
Chiesa dell Ospedaletto in Venice
While walking sometime the moon hide behind the shadows and this is one of the photo of this type of moment
Sun set on orange boats and orange houses
Photo of the moon 'sleeping' inside the clouds in a hot summer night in Venice