New Render Image For Hugo: The new way to elaborate image for the site generation of the site with Hugo Module
Why Do I Disinstall Pipenv and Use Only Poetry?: I choose to don't use pipenv and move to poetry and pyproject and other stuff for dev with python
Add Data at the End of the Google Sheet: How I write a row of data at the end of a Google Sheet with Python Api
More Stuff I Do With Webmention, Micropub and I implement and code more stuff from webmention, micropub and
How I implement Indieweb, Webmention and H Entry in My Blog: Adding Indieweb and Webmention in my blog
Letterhead With ReportLab: Sometime you need to have a letterhead document generated by your application and here we explain how to make it with Reportlab
Adding Progress Bar in Python: Sometime you need to add a Progress Bar to your script and this is how
Why you need a doc: Every project you make you understand new things so you need to write down some thing. Something like a doc
Manage Site and Certificate: One dev manage 40 sites' domains, SSL and check all of them with a package
Color Your Python Output: Sometime you need to make your output more readible adding color to the terminal
Create a custon Git message with GitConfig: Sometime you need to configure your git or have a template for the commit for your work
Microsoft buy Atom, Electron and Open Source: Now what appen because Microsoft own Github and all theire project?
GraphQL and working with it: This is an article about the future of the api: GraphQL. This is the natural evolution from the REST API and it's the best thing for request only part of the data in the API
Hugo into Docker: This blog is publish with a docker image with GitLab. But I don't like the image I was using because wasn't update and it's big and havy. So I fork the project for create an update version for my personal blog.
Bot, Telegram e programmazione funzionale: Come un mio tentativo di imparare a usare i decoratori in python è sfociata in un bot in Python
Scrivi, push e publica: Come scrivere un blog interamente in pelican, gestito in github e travis con autopubblicazioni